Course Description

This 420 Trainers' Live Webinar Course delivers an exceptional interactive training experience to new and seasoned cannabis agents obtaining or renewing their MA Basic RVT certification. Our course is structured to involve and engage every participant by utilizing real world scenarios that are "on point" to help every agent understand and internalize how to stay compliant. We don't just teach regulations; we teach agents how the rules and regulations are relevant to their everyday tasks. Agents taking 420 Trainers' courses don't memorize regulations to pass an exam; they learn HOW they can have productive and compliant cannabis careers with training focused on their specific position in all establishment license types. Every class is hosted/taught by educators and licensed health care professionals with academic and experiential credentials unrivaled by any RVT competitor.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Live RVT Zoom Training Course!

About this course

  • Free
  • 1 lesson
  • Live Webinar

Pricing options

These are our standard pricing bundles. For more options or possible coupon codes, please contact us!