Benefit From

  • Affordability

    The cheapest courses in the industry - while still providing high-quality, easy to access courses.

  • Accredited Courses

    State-Approved RVT Courses with Certifications instantly sent to both student and supervisor - all on YOUR schedule!

  • Expert Insights

    Gain practical insights from industry and licensed experts - ranging from the essentials to advanced.

  • Easy Access

    Access to exclusive resources and tools to accelerate your learning.

  • Flexibility

    Interactive, On-Demand modules. Learn at your own pace, from anywhere in the world, with 24/7 access to course materials.

  • Ongoing Support

    Ongoing support and guidance to ensure your success beyond the course.

  • Custom Courses

    A Custom Course option tailored for you and your team!

  • Lifetime Access

    Lifetime Access: Enjoy unlimited access to course materieals and certificates.

  • Additional Learning

    Offering courses focused toward Social Equity and Diversity, HIPPA, Positive Impact Plans and more - created by Licensed Professionals from the office of Rainbow Counseling.