Course Description

We hope you enjoy this Transporter Core Curriculum Course!

Our goal is to make each course easy to follow, well-crafted, and full of useful information to accommodate all levels of those participating. Each Lesson is followed by a multiple-choice Lesson Review to allow the student to test their knowledge and invite an opportunity to re-review if needed. 

Once completed, course attendees are prompted to a downloadable certificate of completion for the course and sent an email outlining the same. 

Our Core Curriculum Courses are created to supply students with the knowledge necessary to excel in the Cannabis Industry.

Note: Students will receive a certificate of completion via email and download prompt at end of the course.

Course curriculum

    1. Trans Intro

    2. Definition Review

    1. Trans Lesson 1

    2. Lesson 1 Review

    1. Lesson 2

    2. Lesson 2 Review

    1. Trans Lesson 3.1 Aug Gen 2

    2. Lesson 3.1 Review

    3. Trans Lesson 3.2 Aug Gen 2

    4. Lesson 3.2 Review

    5. Transporter Lesson 3.3

    6. Lesson 3.3 Review

    1. Transporter Lesson 4

    2. Lesson 4 Review

    1. Transporter Lesson 5

    2. Lesson 5 Review

About this course

  • 32 lessons
  • On Demand Course